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Creating the agriculture of the future

LifeLab's management philosophy is "Creating the agriculture of the future." Based on this philosophy, we aim to always lead the industry as the best partner for producers.

brown cattle on green lawn grass during daytime

LifeLab is an agribusiness company that designs sustainable agriculture. Since our establishment in 2005, we have been a pioneer in tackling various issues in Japan's agricultural sector. Beyond Japan, on the global stage, we want to lead innovation in agriculture and play an important role in building a sustainable future.

The future we aim for

Agriculture is an essential foundation for human survival and development. However, the country faces various challenges, including a labor shortage due to an aging population, decreased production due to climate change, resource depletion, and worsening international trade competition. Our goal is to work with farmers to overcome these challenges, support agriculture sustainably and innovate the future of agriculture.

Improving labor force issues

We solve the problem of labor shortage in the agricultural field, improve productivity, and support stable management.

Increased producer income

It increases the income of producers, provides better economic conditions and promotes the development of local communities.

Expanding environmentally friendly agriculture

Promote environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices and have a positive impact on the global environment.

Maintaining the health of agricultural ecosystems

Protect biodiversity, maintain soil health, and maintain and protect agro-ecosystem balance.

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